"Wait for the hand to go,
I'll watch with endless patience...
But gosh it's really slow.
Just tock, just tock,
You silly clock,
What’s that? A bird? Oh no!"
"The super sneaky clock," said Cat.
"I only looked aside,
And on it tocked regardless,
The movement never spied.
This time no glance,
No risk, no chance.
Time, there'll be no place for you to hide."
"I will see time tock on," said Cat.
"Absolutely, come what may,
No matter that I'm sleepy,
Or however long the day."
But Cat's eyes close,
For he must doze,
And time, the cheat, has gone and ticked away.
Poem © 2016 Kathryn Evans
Illustration © 2016 Sarah McIntyre