And nobility flocked to her door.
But her latest creation just lacked inspiration.
‘It’s so plain. It still needs something more.’
At that moment her cook came with lunch and mistook
The Lady’s plain hat for a bowl.
He spooned in spaghetti with meatballs. ‘All ready!’
He called ‘Here is food for the soul.’
‘My hat!!’ she exclaimed and her cook then explained his mistake
With his face pale as dread.
‘I am so sorry Mam.' But with absolute calm
she said, 'Please put my lunch on my head.’
The cook quickly obliged and the lady realised
This creation was her best hat ever.
‘I will wear this in Rome and Milan and Stockholm.’
‘Oh Cook, you’re exceedingly clever.’
Now folks say, 'Love your hat! Might I nibble on that?
And I HAVE to know who’s the creator.
‘Why Lady Spaghetti and her cook ( his name’s Eddie)
Make this great pasta hat fascinator.’
Funny Poem © 2016 Mo O'Hara
Illustration © 2016 Sarah McIntyre