Funny Poem © 2016 Em Lynas
Illustration © 2016 Jonny Duddle
called Calico Jack
He sailed round the planet
before he came back
The journey was painful
Conditions were bleak
The grub was appalling
His ship sprang a leak
He slept in a hammock
Slung under the deck
With his knees to his chin
And a crick in his neck
His stomach joined in with
the ups and the downs
Of the currents and waves
And the watery sounds
He trembled through tempests
He glowered through gales
He shivered and quivered
And shook in the sails
He began as a lad,
Came back an old man,
When he jumped from his ship
At the place he began.
Jack took to his bed with
A panic attack...
'Me timber's are shivered!
I'll never go back!
I'm staying in here where
It's comfy and dry.
Adventure is risky.
A person could die!'