had spilled the cauldron on the run.
And accidentally burnt her broom,
A spell gone wrong, I must presume.
The witch's cat, the one that's black,
first disappeared and then came back.
She transported and trans-moggie-fied
with ease. (It’s like she hardly tried.)
While her other cat, the ginger one,
spent half the day stuck as a bun.
The only spell she knew you see
was cat transfer to sweet pastry.
The witch's cat, the one that's black,
was busy planning her attack.
Treats to fill the witch's pot
mice, birds and newts- she'd catch the lot!
While her other cat , the ginger one
was busy- lying in the sun.
She made no creepy crawlies flee
She couldn't catch a bumble bee.
The witch's cat, the one that's black
did not give much affection back.
She always seemed to be aloof
and often slept up on the roof.
While her other cat , the ginger one,
would bound inside when day was done.
And as the witch lay down to nap
the ginger cat purred on her lap.