The postman knocks twice.
Rap rap!
Tappy tap!
Don’t answer that door!
This postman ain’t nice.
Prue stands transfixed
in the hallway,
her back to
the locked kitchen door.
The l etterbo x rattles,
and through it appears
Not a letter or parcel or packet,
oh no!
But a
PAW ...
A paw!
A claw!
A slavering jaw!
Tongue dripping,
Tail whipping,
Spine slipping,
Teeth gripping ...
A howl!
A growl!
An odour most foul!
It’s hairy!
It’s scary!
Prudence, be wary!
The wolfman knocks once,
The wolfman knocks twice.
Rap rap!
Tappy tap!
Don’t go through that door,
Wolfie - Prue don't play nice ...
HoOOWWWwwlllll !
Words: © Lesley Moss
Illustration: © Sam Zuppardi