She found she couldn't stop.
Then one day her hand turned blue,
Her wrist began to flop.
Susie Scrawler drew and drew,
She found she couldn't stop. Then one day her hand turned blue, Her wrist began to flop.
Miss. Prudy had a great big tusk,
emerging from her head. Mr. Bumble had two giant horns, and they were coloured red. Ever seen a vampire bat that flashed a sharp-toothed smile?
Or some slimy water goblins ride a crocodile? I have... Perhaps you saw an ogre eating gravy-covered toes? Or looked up at the sky and saw some glowing UFOs? I did... How about some phantom lions in a creepy zoo? I can see these spooks and more, and guess what? You can too! Here’s how... Think of, let’s say, a haunted house, and with your mind explore it Now all that scary stuff you see, just take a pen and draw it! This morning I woke to a sunrise so bright,
Mum told me the sky painters came in the night. She said while we slept they were loading their brushes, With pigments as pink as a thousand girls’ blushes, And sweeping across the horizon they made, The world a huge canvas in this cheery shade. I looked at the colours high over the trees, I wondered, just what kind of painters are these? They must have long arms for strokes so big and wide, Or have some fantastic winged creatures to ride? With a smile she said, seeing these artists is rare, But often there are clues that they've been up there. A smudged circle round the medallion sun, A criss-cross of lines that no plane could have done. Or when there’s a cloud, she said, shaped like a heart- All might be original works of sky art. That’s nice mum, I said, It’s a pretty thought but… Don’t tell anyone else or they’ll think you’re a nut. Mind Map
I went for a walk, Inside my own brain, A short little trot, Down my own neural lanes. There were some surprises, I will not deny, I was taken aback, By the pig in peach pie, By the pink stumpy bushes And trees that could flower, With five different colours In each passing hour. A tiger surprised me, Who ever could guess, That his striped orange fur, Was long pants and a vest? But mostly what shocked me, What made me feel crackers, Was that driving my brain Were four monkey hijackers. |
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