Monster Bedtime Story![]() Come, my scrumptious scampling, Let's snuggle down and read Of slimy slugs Of bristling bugs Of monstrous, dark-done deeds... No? Well, putrid pups are lovely or nauseating nits Or globby blobby goblins Nibbling on your tender bits... No? Then, maybe Wart-eyed Walter and his Wicked Weevling Ways Or Terrible Ted From under the Bed Who likes to come out to PLAY! No? Well, my precious pustule, tell me now, what shall we see? No warts? No fangs? No BOOS?! No BANGS?! Oh no - it cannot be! You want the silky-hairy story The pink and fluffy scary story Please... Not... The Hairy Scary Fairy Story Waaaaa! Oh bestest boy Oh beastly son Please hold me close I am the one Who needs you now to cuddle me tight Or else I'll get no sleep tonight! ©2013 Addy Farmer |
Thank you so much for being on the funEverse, Addy.
![]() My mother’s reading Monster Tree with Benjamin upon her knee, and she is just ignoring me. I sneak up, creep up, quietly, And hide behind the blue settee, But she is still ignoring me. When I am sure that she won’t see, I drop a worm into her tea. Perhaps she’ll stop ignoring me. As Mother shrieks, I start to flee. I’ve never seen her this angry. At last, she stopped ignoring me. “That was naughty, Barnaby! No food for you and no TV!” Too bad she’s not ignoring me. Poem ©2012 Rebecca Colby Image ©2012 Kate Pankhurst
![]() Mirror, mirror in my hand who’s the scariest in the land? It’s me! It’s me! Peek in your closet you’ll know it’s me! Three eyes in my monstrous head help me watch you in your bed. There’s really nothing you can do I’m going to put you in my stew! ![]() Mirror, mirror in my hand who’s the hungriest in the land? It’s me! It’s me! When my tummy roars you’ll know it’s me! Shaggy fur the colour of slime, full of fleas and bogey grime. I’ve not showered in 10 weeks, I prefer it when I reek. ![]() Mirror, mirror in my hand who’s the stinkiest in the land? It’s me! It’s me! Take a deep breath in (phew!) you’ll know it’s me! Wait! Why have you run away! I was hoping we could play. Now that you’re afraid of me, I feel lonely as can be. ![]() Mirror, mirror in my hand who’s the saddest in the land? It’s me! It’s me! See the tears falling you’ll know it’s me! Even monsters need hugs too, so I’ll tell you what to do. Hold your nose and wear thick gloves, open your arms, share some love. ![]() Mirror, mirror in my hand who’s the cuddliest in the land? It’s me! It’s me! Give me a hug you’ll know it’s me and you’ll make me happy as can be! Poem ©2013 Meagan Munroe Image ©2013 Kate Pankhurst
One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven… ROAR! You try it now. Don't be a drip. I'll count you in, Just let it rip. ![]() I'm a scary monster and I don't care! I've got green teeth and bristly hair. I'm a scary monster and I don't care! I've got three eyes and my ears are square. I'm a scary monster and I don't care if my nasty smell pollutes the air! I'm a scary monster and I don't care! Cos I'm really mean and I don't play fair. I'm a scary monster and I don't care! I roar and growl and I won't share. I'm a scary monster and I don't care if you won't be my friend - yes, you - over there. Wait - you're ... an even bigger, scarier monster? Well now I care! Image ©2012 Kate Pankhurst Poem © 2012 Lesley Moss ![]() The stars are shining in the sky The moon is looking down On top of monster mountain You cannot hear a sound So put aside your worries Chase the beasties from your head Even little monsters Have to go to bed Inside the rocky monster dens Baths are being run To wash away a busy day Of mucky monster fun Time to clean those monster teeth Brush cobwebs off their heads Even little monsters Have to go to bed Mummy's in her dressing gown Trying not to doze Daddy's got his slippers on To hide his hairy toes Tails tucked into PJs Cosy nightcaps on their heads Even little monsters Have to go to bed Outside the wind is howling Not a single monster roars They're snug inside the blanket caves The darkness shut outdoors Come listen to your bedtime tale Let stories fill your head Even little monsters Have to go to bed Poem ©2013 Laura Lou Stewart Image ©2013 Kate Pankhurst ![]() If you want to look your best, Try some Monster Mum advice, Take a daily bath in slime And dust your fur with tiny lice. Oh yes, that’s lovely, really nice, And quite the thing, that touch of lice. Add just a touch of make up Crushed beetle to your cheek, Dustbin dribble on your lashes And a squirt of Eau De Reek. Oh yes, that’s lovely, quite unique, And just the thing, that whiff of Reek. Now come and sit upon my knee, Let’s have a monster hug, You scruffy, stinky, lovely beast, My gorgeous cuddle bug. Poem ©2013 Kathryn Evans Image ©2013 Kate Pankhurst
My eyeballs are all goggly,
Big and round and boggly, And now one’s getting wobbly, All jiggerly and joggerly. My Mummy says I mustn’t touch Or wobble it around, Or else it might pop out too soon And get lost on the ground. I have to wait and wait and wait For it to pop itself, Then when it’s out and time for bed, I’ll leave it on my shelf. My eyeballs are all goggly, Big and round and boggly, And now one’s getting wobbly, All jiggerly and joggerly. So when I’m safely fast asleep And dreaming with a snore, The eyeball ogre will arrive And sneak in through my door. The eyeball ogre’s huge and fat, His socks are very smelly. A thousand thousand blinking eyes Cover his great belly. My eyeballs are all goggly, Big and round and boggly, And now one’s getting wobbly, All jiggerly and joggerly. His mouth is full of teeth and drool, His hands are very hairy, He’s full of scabs and spots and boils He’s just a little scary. He quickly finds my little eye, Then picks it up to chuck it, Through the air until it lands Safely in his bucket. My eyeballs are all goggly, Big and round and boggly, And now one’s getting wobbly, All jiggerly and joggerly. The eyeball ogre comes at night To monster girls and boys He swaps their popped out eyeballs For brand new monster toys. So in the morning I’ll wake up And get a great surprise, But better than my brand new toy Is growing brand new eyes. |