Dear Miss, I have not handed in my homework this week. Why? It's complicated ... by Lesley Moss7/12/2015
I try to pay attention,
When we’re learning something tough, But my brain just goes all dreamy, Like it’s made of mushy fluff. I stare out of the window, And I think of what it’s like, To be a bird or rabbit, Or a bumble bee in flight. Across our chalky hopscotch, And out of the school gate, I watch the wind a-blowing, And a leafy army skate. My mind takes off behind them, Blown swift along the lane, It cartwheels down the pavement, Dancing lightly over drains. It tumbles down the hedge line, Then falls into a hole, And my mind is in a burrow With a very learned mole. He teaches me addition, And some easy ways to times. We even do division, And some super, simple, rhymes. It’s strange to be so leafy, When once I was a child, But the oddest of things happen, When you let your mind run wild. I try to pay attention, When we’re learning something tough, But my mind will go off wondering To that land of mushy fluff. I pretend a lot at school to make it through the hours.
Pretending is, in fact, my most impressive super power. I pretend times table terrors aren't always attacking Like an army marching down the page- my pencil sends them packing. I pretend the words and letters aren't all dancing round the book and sneaking up and thwacking me each time I have a look. I pretend that I don't feel the little whispers and the stares. I pretend that I'm invincible, impervious to care. I pretend that I am 'getting it' and know just what to do. I pretend that I fit in here, like a foot fits in a shoe. I pretend that all my fidgeting and squeezing goes unseen. that I turn myself invisible with my super sonic beam. 'You pretend a lot,' my teacher tells me. Drat! How does she see? I'll up the power to my ray beam. She'll soon move on past me. But she leans in and she smiles, 'You're an awful lot like me.' I turn down my ray and listen, and for once try being me. Poem © 2014 Mo O'Hara On the first day of school my new pencil case contained:
8 brand new felt pens 7 sharpened pencils 6 sheets of stickers 5 blue-ink biros 4 glitter glue tubes 3 piggy stampers 2 shiny rulers And a rubber shaped like a palm tree. On the last day of term in my pencil case remained: 8 lids for felt pens 7 broken pencils 6 furred-up stickers (And a magnificent biro I traded with Meg that has) 5 COLOUR CHANGE! 4 glittered conkers 3 piggy stampers 2 shiny rulers And a sketch of Sir as a monkey Poem © 2014 Laura Louise Stewart ![]() Sucks to be at our school! The teachers are batty, Count D is the Head. He never gets old: he's truly Undead. The uniform's black, our fangs glossy white, our eyes shine blood-red, we shrink from the light. Our school starts at sundown, your day is our night. We play in the moonshine - but careful! We bite! Count Dracula's cool, yeah, He's not very strict. He's saved you a place in your very own crypt! Igor Year 60 The Transylvanian Academy Miss. Prudy had a great big tusk,
emerging from her head. Mr. Bumble had two giant horns, and they were coloured red. I am the teacher’s favourite;
I know she loves me best. And every day to prove it, I put her to the test, by racing ‘round the classroom, by dashing down the stairs, by tipping over paint pots, by jumping on her chairs, by hardly ever listening, by playing with my ball, by chewing up her homework, by howling in the hall. I never get in trouble, despite how bad I get. In case you haven’t guessed yet, I am the teacher’s pet! Poem © 2014 Rebecca Colby Image © 2014 Heather Dickinson ![]() No football in the classroom, No writing on your clothes, No chocolate in your lunchbox No pencils up your nose. No shouting at the table, No crawling on the floor, No pulling hair, no pinching, No sneaking out the door. Why can't we have some Yes rules? Some rules to make us smile? Yes to wearing trainers, Yes to uniforms with style. Yes to bouncy castles, Yes to making dens, Yes to extra play time, Yes to keeping hens! Yes to eating ice cream, Yes to playing on the grass, Yes to making pancakes, Yes to pets in class. Yes to playing pirates, Yes to stealing jewels, Yes to taking over, Yes to No School Rules! Poem ©2013Kathryn Evans Illustration ©2013Amanda Lillywhite |