Paint things that are realer than real.
Places quite tropic
With creatures exotic
And show that you are a big deal.
Be a Master my Granny implored,
You’ll never again be ignored.
At the sign of your name
You’ll have fortune and fame
And a lovely fat shiny reward.
So I did what my family suggested,
At art school my skills I perfected.
And with time and advice
Painted pictures precise,
But the effect was quite unexpected.
As I painted my very last stroke,
The creatures all suddenly woke,
From the canvas they leapt,
Or they flew or they crept
With a squawk or a roar or a croak.
So thanks to my dear family,
I am still as poor as can be.
But have parrots so chatty,
A ceiling quite batty,
And a tiger comes daily for tea.