I saw the Queen in an old sweet shop, As I sucked a cola drop. To me she looked so soft and sallow - A sort of tasty, plump marshmallow. I said “dear Ma’am, you’re fluffy-white, I think I’d rather like a bite. (I’m sure I saw the Queen recoil in her dress of silver foil). |
I made a grab but off she ran.
Though sadly she did not get far
And crashed into a candy jar.
I rushed to help, I really did,
I grabbed the jar and found the lid.
I even knelt upon the floor
Just where the Queen lay by the door.
Her Majesty looked pale and sick
I looked around, I had a lick.
"Forgive me, Queen, but now you seem
To look like strawberries and cream!"
Poem © 2016 Dom Conlon
Illustration © 2016 Sarah McIntyre