Come sit upon your royal seat.
The chef has made a tasty treat.”
The princess rushed to take her place,
Then saw the food and pulled a face.
“That’s gross!” she said, to her disgrace.
Try it, please. It’s good for you--
Nutritious and delicious, too!”
“It’s pig pen slop. It looks a fright!
You won’t get me to eat a bite.
Remove this rubbish from my sight!”
"Now Isabel, we must insist,
You eat your meal and don’t resist.
When it’s gone, you’ll be dismissed.”
She wouldn’t do as she was told.
She sat and watched her stew grow cold.
She sat for days as it grew mould.
Her parents weren’t completely mean,
Each day they scraped off all the green.
“Now tell us when your plate is clean.”
Not wanting to admit defeat,
She gave it to her dog to eat.
He gulped it like it was a treat!
“Look at you! It must be true!
Stop right now! I want some too!
It tastes like fudge. Whoever knew?”
The princess ate and ate and ate,
And said, “This stew is really great!
May I have another plate?”
Her parents beamed, “See, Isabel.
You never know, you just can’t tell,
If food tastes good by look or smell.”
“You’re right,” she said. “Here’s what I’ll do:
I won’t say ‘gross’ or ‘blah’ or ‘poo,’
Or make a face at Princess Stew,
…until my dog has tried it too!”
Image ©2012 Sam Zuppardi
Poem ©2012 Rebecca Colby