Five, six, seven… ROAR!
You try it now.
Don't be a drip.
I'll count you in,
Just let it rip.
Five, six, seven...
Grrr? Grrrrrr???
Grrr is no good!
It will not scare.
Now, try again.
Don’t dry your hair!
One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven...
Eeek? Eeek????
Eeek is a squeak!
Not right at all.
Suck in that breath,
And stand up tall.
One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven...
Woooo? Wooooo?????
You’re not a ghost!
You’re big, You're tough.
Underneath that
Bright green fluff.
One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven...
No, no, nooooo!!!!!!
I don't want Eek!
I don't want wooo!
I don’t want grrr.
Or even BOO!
I can't believe you
Cannot ROAR!
And I shan’t
Help you anymore.
You’re a loser.
You’re a wuss.
And you’re a…
Just like us.
Poem 2013 Em Lynas
Image 2013 Kate Pankhurst