Welcome, take a seat, sit down, There's no need to wear a frown. Put this sheet around your neck. My, you look an awful wreck! Be still, don't squirm and move about. Keep quiet please, no need to shout. Your hair has gotten awfully long, It's so spiky, thick and strong. A speedy trim is what you need, To stop you looking like a weed. I'll snip off this bit by your ear. Mmmm that looks a little queer. I'll even out the other side, Open my scissors nice and wide. Chop chop chop, snip snip snip. What's that quivering, is it your lip? Now to cut around your head. Whoops, I think you might have bled. There's no need to make a fuss, It's only blood, there is no pus. There, I've finished, that is that. Can I suggest you wear a hat? Poem ©2013 Katherine Lynas Illustration ©2013 Mike Brownlow |